Habitening soon habits from NPM
Node package djsonloader
Last occurred:Habitening next:DJsonLoader is a jquery add-on for loading data in JSON format into forms or other HTML tags, NOW SUPPORTS AJAX and customization. -
Node package vue-hotkeys-rt
Last occurred:Habitening next:Smoothly implements keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) in Vue applications. -
Node package jest-bluster
Last occurred:Habitening next:Test both promises and callbacks in one go -
Node package form-errors
Last occurred:Habitening next:A component for displaying forms errors in Ionic Apps -
Node package passport-draugiem
Last occurred:Habitening next:Draugiem.lv authentication strategy for Passport. -
Node package alessbell
Last occurred:Habitening next:A personal card for Alessia Bellisario (@alessbell) -
Node package pino-arborsculpture
Last occurred:Habitening next:Allows changing Pino log levels at runtime via a file monitor