Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Habitening soon habits from Packagist

  1. PHP package barnabywalters/carddav

    Last occurred:
    Christian Putzke's CardDAV Client made composer/PSR 0 compliant
  2. PHP package james-and-james-fulfilment/amg-sentry-plugin

    Last occurred:
    Symfony 1.x plugin for Sentry.
  3. PHP package driehle/php-crypt-md5

    Last occurred:
    A pure PHP implementation of an MD5-hashsum-based implementation of the crypt routine, which can be used to generate hashs for Apache's passwd files
  4. PHP package mrmitch/mssql-bundle-legacy

    Last occurred:
    Microsoft SQL Server Bundle for Symfony 2+
  5. PHP package zetacomponents/persistent-object

    Last occurred:
    This component allows you to store an arbitrary data structures to a fixed database table. The component provides all the functionality needed to fetch, list, delete etc these datastructures.
  6. PHP package zetacomponents/url

    Last occurred:
    The Url package provides basic operations to handle urls (parse, build, get/set path, get/set query).

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