Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Ruby gem rpg_paradise

This project has been created primarily for my custom RPG code that our local pen-and-paper RPG group used in the past. Furthermore I will also include the unfinished code for the text-based MUD that was once planned. As I in general lack time to continue this hobby project, I thought it may be better to publish the code as it is. Be warned: this is very beta-ish quality. I can not recommend anyone to use this project for anything serious. Be also made aware that this is on-going; I have not yet finished publishing the old code, as I am trying to polish it a little before releasing it in its "final", though unfinished, form here.


Count 3 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 13
Out degree 100
External links

Probability of Occurrence

Breakdown by day of the week

Breakdown by day of the month

Breakdown by month

Affected by


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