Ruby gem ascii_paradise
This gem is called ascii_paradise. AsciiParadise is an umbrella project that allows us to gather ascii-related code, in Ruby. The main focus for this project is to incorporate animated ASCII components, but the project will also store some non-animated ASCII - thus, essentially making it an umbrella project for (useful) ASCII content. The main focus will remain on animated ASCII, though. Presently, 113 ASCII components are registered in this project. For more information about this project, have a look at the documentation of this gem's homepage. In the event that you can not find it, here is a direct link to the homepage of this gem:
Count | 3 occurrences |
State | Dead |
Last occurred | |
Habitening next | |
Age | |
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Honeymoon | |
Trend | None |
In degree | 9 |
Out degree | 21 |
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