Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Habitening soon habits from Ruby gems

  1. Ruby gem vagrant-gpii-ci

    Last occurred:
    Vagrant GPII CI environment builder
  2. Ruby gem git-recommend

    Last occurred:
    Generate change recommendations from your git change history
  3. Ruby gem tictactoe_gem

    Last occurred:
    Tic Tac Toe on the terminal
  4. Ruby gem feathr

    Last occurred:
    Rails API for interacting with Qwil API.
  5. Ruby gem pact_expectations

    Last occurred:
    Pact response convert to stub.
  6. Ruby gem osheet

    Last occurred:
    A DSL for specifying and generating spreadsheets using Ruby
  7. Ruby gem spree_ebsin

    Last occurred:
    Adds Ebsin as a Payment Method to Spree store
  8. Ruby gem omniauth-fenix

    Last occurred:
    Omniauth strategy for fenix edu.
  9. Ruby gem api-resource

    Last occurred:
    A lightweight REST API access library.
  10. Ruby gem mageo

    Last occurred:
    MAth GEOmetry library to deal with 2 and 3 dimensional spaces.


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