Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Recently occurred habits from Debian

  1. Debian package dokuwiki

    Last occurred:
    simple to use and versatile wiki
  2. Debian package ganeti

    Last occurred:
    cluster virtualization manager
  3. Debian package pixz

    Last occurred:
    parallel, indexing XZ compressor/decompressor
  4. Debian package php-phpoption

    Last occurred:
    Option type for PHP
  5. Debian package r-cran-mixtools

    Last occurred:
    GNU R tools for analyzing finite mixture models
  6. Debian package r-cran-rcpptoml

    Last occurred:
    'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for Tom's Obvious Markup Language
  7. Debian package mwrap

    Last occurred:
    Octave/MATLAB mex generator
  8. Debian package rudof

    Last occurred:
  9. Debian package php-mock-integration

    Last occurred:
    integration package for PHP-Mock
  10. Debian package golang-github-openfga-go-sdk

    Last occurred:
    OpenFGA SDK for Go (library)


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